0. Welcome / Bonjour

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Hey there! 👋 Bonjour!

I'm Keven, aka orditeck online, and this is my second brain / digital garden.

What's that, you might ask?

It's simply a fancy term to design a place for notes to live, evolve and grow. I have two second brains (🤔), one private and one public. You're currently on my private one. Just kidding.

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This space serves as a collection of my thoughts, ideas, and musings. I hope that as you explore this garden, you'll find something of interest and maybe even some inspiration. Thank you for taking the time to visit. Let's cultivate knowledge and creativity one thought at a time.

I'm bilingual French/English and since this is my second brain, it's also bilingual. Expect to find parts in English and parts in French. I'll do my best to not mix both in one page 😅.

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