How to protect your online privacy

The very basic

  1. Use strong, unique passwords for all accounts.
  2. Be mindful of what personal information you share online.
  3. Review privacy settings on social media accounts and adjust as needed.
  4. Only download apps and software from trusted sources.
  5. Be wary of phishing emails and scams.
  6. Use two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  7. Regularly update your devices and software.
  8. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions.
  9. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.
  10. Always log out of accounts when using public computers.

Block Ads, Tracking & Phishing

AdGuard is an ad-blocking and privacy protection tool that can help you enhance your online privacy. Here are some ways AdGuard can help:

  1. Ad blocking: AdGuard blocks ads and pop-ups, reducing the number of third-party scripts and trackers that collect your data.

  2. Anti-tracking: AdGuard blocks tracking scripts and cookies, preventing advertisers from tracking your online activities and personalizing ads.

  3. DNS filtering: AdGuard uses DNS filtering to block malicious websites and prevent phishing attacks, protecting you from online threats.

  4. Stealth mode: AdGuard's Stealth mode prevents websites from detecting your ad-blocker, protecting you from anti-ad-blocker scripts.

  5. Parental controls: AdGuard's parental controls allow you to filter out inappropriate content for children.

By using AdGuard, you can enjoy a faster and more secure browsing experience, with less ads and fewer online threats.

Use a secret tunnel to communicate with the Internet

What is a VPN?

Imagine you're in a secret club, and you want to talk to your friend about your secret club stuff, but you don't want anyone else to hear you. So, you and your friend put a blanket over your heads to make a secret tent where no one can hear you.

A VPN is like that secret tent blanket, but for your internet connection. When you use a VPN, it creates a secret tunnel between your computer and the internet, which keeps your internet activity private and safe from people who might be snooping. It's like a secret hideout for your internet connection!

Why use a VPN

In 2011, during the Arab Spring protests in Egypt, the government shut down the internet in an attempt to quell the protests. This left citizens unable to communicate with each other or access information from outside the country. However, some citizens were able to use VPNs to bypass the government's censorship and access the internet.

VPNs allowed citizens to connect to servers outside of Egypt, which in turn gave them access to the internet and the ability to communicate with people outside of the country. This was critical in spreading information about the protests and coordinating actions (source).

Using a VPN can help protect your online privacy by encrypting your internet connection and masking your IP address, making it more difficult for third parties to track your online activity and identify your location. It can also help bypass internet censorship and geo-restrictions.

VPN + AdGuard?

While a VPN provides privacy and security by encrypting your internet connection, AdGuard can provide additional benefits by blocking ads, trackers, and malware at the network level, preventing them from reaching your device in the first place. AdGuard can also help speed up your browsing experience by reducing the amount of data being downloaded and improving page load times. By using both a VPN and AdGuard together, you can enhance your online privacy and security while also improving your browsing experience.

Use an encrypted messaging apps

Telegram and Signal are both popular messaging apps that focus on providing users with secure and private communication. While both apps offer end-to-end encryption, which means that only the sender and receiver can access the messages, there are some differences between them.

Signal is an open-source app that is widely considered to be the gold standard for secure messaging. It is endorsed by privacy advocates and has been recommended by organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Signal is designed to collect as little data as possible, and it is run by a non-profit organization that is committed to privacy and security.

Telegram, on the other hand, is a cloud-based messaging app that is known for its speed and features. While it also offers end-to-end encryption, its default settings do not enable this feature for all messages, and it collects more user data than Signal. Additionally, Telegram has been criticized for its lack of transparency in how it handles user data and encryption.

In terms of which app is better, it depends on your specific needs and priorities. If you prioritize privacy and security above all else, Signal is likely the better choice. If you are more interested in features and speed, Telegram may be a better option. Ultimately, both apps offer a high level of security and privacy compared to many other messaging apps, and it is up to the user to decide which app is the best fit for them.

Use a privacy-focused browser

Firefox and Brave share many similarities as privacy-focused browsers that prioritize user privacy and security. They both provide built-in ad and tracker blocking, password managers, and support for private browsing mode. Moreover, they are both open-source and transparent about their code and development process, with a strong commitment to user control and customization for a better browsing experience.

One significant difference is that Firefox is developed by Mozilla, a non-profit organization with a longer history of development and a larger community of developers, which may give users more confidence in its security and privacy features. On the other hand, Brave, a for-profit company, offers an interesting "privacy-respecting ads" feature that uses local machine learning algorithms to serve relevant ads without compromising user data. Additionally, Brave has a built-in Tor integration feature, which allows users to browse the internet anonymously and hide their IP address and location from third parties.

Overall, both browsers offer powerful privacy features, but users may choose one over the other depending on their unique needs and preferences.

Compare them here.

Use two-factor authentication

What is Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is like having two keys to unlock your treasure chest. The first key is your password, which you have to remember, like the secret word to open the chest. The second key is something you have with you, like a special toy that only you have. When you want to open the chest, you need to use both keys at the same time. That way, even if someone finds out your password, they can't open the chest because they don't have the special toy key. Two-factor authentication makes it harder for bad guys to get into your important stuff online.


A YubiKey is a physical hardware device that can be used for two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts. When you use a YubiKey, you plug it into your computer or mobile device and then press a button on the device to authenticate your login. This helps ensure that only you can access your accounts, even if someone else gets hold of your password.

The benefits of using a YubiKey for two-factor authentication include:

  1. Stronger Security: Using a YubiKey significantly reduces the risk of account breaches due to stolen or weak passwords, as well as phishing attacks. This is because an attacker would need both your password and the physical YubiKey device to gain access to your account, making it much harder to hack into your accounts.

  2. Convenience: Using a YubiKey is more convenient than other 2FA methods such as one-time passwords sent via text message or authenticator apps. With a YubiKey, you simply plug it into your computer or mobile device and press a button to authenticate your login, making the login process faster and easier. Additionally, YubiKeys can be used across multiple devices and services, reducing the need for multiple 2FA methods.

In addition to USB keys, YubiKey also offers keys with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. NFC-enabled keys allow for easier authentication by simply tapping the key against a mobile device or other NFC reader. This eliminates the need to physically plug in the key, making the authentication process even more convenient. The NFC-enabled keys are also highly secure, using the same encryption technology as the USB keys. Both types of keys provide strong two-factor authentication, and the choice between them depends on individual preference and device compatibility.

However, it's important to have two YubiKeys as a backup in case you lose one of them or it gets damaged. If you only have one key and it gets lost, stolen, or damaged, you may lose access to your accounts that are secured with two-factor authentication. This can be a major inconvenience or even a security risk, especially if you use your YubiKey for important accounts such as your email, online banking, or other sensitive data.

By having two YubiKeys, you can avoid this issue and have a backup plan in case one key is lost or stolen. You can register both keys with your accounts, so if one key is unavailable, you can use the other key to log in to your accounts. Additionally, having a second key can also provide an extra layer of security, as you can use one key as a backup and keep the other key in a secure location such as a safe or a different physical location.

In summary, having two YubiKeys is important for ensuring that you can maintain access to your accounts if one key is lost, stolen, or damaged. It also provides an extra layer of security and peace of mind.

Consider moving away from the big tech giants

There are several reasons why you might want to consider using alternatives to Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo for the sake of your privacy:

  1. Data collection: Companies like Google and Microsoft have a business model that relies on collecting as much data as possible from their users. This data is often used for advertising and other purposes, but it can also be vulnerable to hacks and data breaches. By using alternative services, you can reduce the amount of data that is collected about you and potentially minimize your risk of being affected by data breaches.

  2. Monopoly: Google and Microsoft are both dominant players in their respective markets, which can limit competition and lead to less innovation. By using alternative services, you can support smaller companies and contribute to a more diverse and competitive market.

  3. Personalization: While Google and Microsoft's data collection can lead to personalized services and recommendations, it can also create a filter bubble that limits your exposure to diverse perspectives and information. By using alternative services, you can potentially expand your horizons and discover new things.

  4. Ethics: Some people may have ethical concerns about the business practices of large tech companies, such as their tax avoidance strategies, their cooperation with government surveillance programs, or their involvement in controversial projects. By using alternative services, you can potentially align your use of technology with your values.

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